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DLAB - MS-H340-S4 package - Include:4-Channel LCD Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer(8030271110)+ Set includs support clamp of PT1000 and PT1000Temperature sensor (18900294)
54.857,06 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030271110 - MS-H340-S4 4-Channel LCD Digital Hotplate Magnetic Stirrer,stainless steel with ceramic coated hotplate,heating temperature up to 340°C
48.148,19 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030197000 - EcoStir - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - Square work plate, 20x115mm,Max.stirring quantity 1.5L
1.964,48 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8010194000 - EcoStir - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - Round work plate, Ø120mm, Max.stirring quantity 1.5L
1.964,48 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030122000 - MS7-S - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - work plate 184*184mm, Max.stirring quantity 10L,glass ceramics plate,
12.231,64 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030211000 - MS-S - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - work plate Φ135mm, Max.stirring quantity 20L, cemamic coated plate
8.043,23 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030261100 - MS6-Pro - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - work plate 140*140mm, Max.stirring quantity 5L, cemamic coated plate
6.449,41 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030184000 - Flatspin - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - Ultra-flat Compact magnetic stirrer
4.077,21 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030294000 - MS-PB - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - Classic without display, work plate Φ135mm , Max.stirring quantity 3L, plastic plate
3.891,89 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 8030284200 - MS-PA - Magnetic stirrer without Heating - LED Digital display,work plate Φ135mm , Max.stirring quantity 3L, plastic plate
4.633,20 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900019 - F101 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - F101 protective cover,for hotplate model,use with MS-H-Pro + and MS-H-S
741,31 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900018 - F100 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - F100 protective cover,for non-hotplate model,use with MS-S
741,31 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900293 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Set includs support clamp of PT1000 and PT1000 Temperature sensor
3.654,08 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900017 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Support clamp of PT1000
1.257,31 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900084 - PT1000-C - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Temperature sensor, length of 100mm, used for digital hotplate models, used for MS-H-Pro +, MS-H-ProT,MS7-H550-Pro, MS7-H550-S, MS-H280-Pro and MS-H380-Pro
2.750,35 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900136 - PT1000-B - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Temperature sensor with glass coated, length of 230mm, used for digital hotplate models, used for MS-H-Pro +,MS-H-ProT, MS7-H550-Pro, MS7-H550-S, MS-H280-P
3.418,36 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900016 - PT1000-A - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Temperature sensor for digital hotplate models,length of 230mm, used for MS-H-Pro +,MS-H-ProT, MS7-H550-Pro, MS7-H550-S, MS-H280-Pro and MS-H380-Pro
2.750,35 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900517 Bundle Discount - - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 1000ml aluminum alloy bead bath block with 1000ml beads (18900514 + 18900512 x 2), only for bundle packages with any 340 or 550 series magnetic sti
20.571,40 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900516 Bundle Discount - - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 500ml aluminum alloy bead bath block with 500ml beads (18900513 + 18900512), only for bundle packages with any 340 or 550 series magnetic stirrers
9.081,07 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900517 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 1000ml aluminum alloy bead bath block, with 1000ml beads (18900514 + 18900512 x 2)
24.092,63 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900516 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 500ml aluminum alloy bead bath block, with 500ml beads (18900513 + 18900512)
12.972,95 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900514 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 1000ml aluminum alloy bead bath block, without beads
16.679,51 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900513 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - 500ml aluminum alloy bead bath block, without beads
9.081,07 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900512 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Aluminum alloy beads 1kg(500ml)
4.410,80 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18101009 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Reaction block for 500ml round bottom flask (one flask capacity), suitable for MS-H-Pro+ and MS-H280-Pro and MS-H380-Pro
4.410,80 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18101008 - - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Reaction block for 250ml round bottom flask (one flask capacity), suitable for MS-H-Pro+ and MS-H280-Pro and MS-H380-Pro
4.410,80 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18101007 - - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Reaction block for 100ml round bottom flask (one flask capacity), suitable for MS-H-Pro+ and MS-H280-Pro and MS-H380-Pro
3.521,23 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900049 - MS 135.7 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Golden quarter pie,4 holes, 16ml reaction vessel,Ø21.6mm,31.7mm depth, used with MS 135.1 and MS 135.8,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro and MS7-H550-S
2.038,61 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900048 - MS 135.6 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Green quarter pie,6 holes, 8ml reaction vessel,Ø17.8mm,26mm depth, used with MS135.1 and MS135.8,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro and MS7-H550-S
2.223,93 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900005 - MS 135.5 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Black quarter pie, 4 holes, 40 ml reaction vessel,Ø28mm,43mm depth, used with MS 135.1 and MS 135.8,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro and MS7-H550-S
2.223,93 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900004 - MS 135.4 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Blue quarter pie, 4 holes, 30 ml reaction vessel,Ø28mm,30mm depth, used with MS 135.1 and MS 135.8,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro and MS7-H550-S
2.038,61 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900003 - MS 135.3 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Purple quarter pie, 4 holes,20 ml reaction vessel,Ø28mm,24mm depth, used with MS135.1 and MS 135.8 ,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro and MS7-H550-S
2.038,61 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900002 - MS 135.2 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Red quarter pie, 11 holes,4 ml reaction vessel,Ø15.2mm,20mm depth, used with MS135.1 and MS 135.8,suitable for MS-H-Pro+,MS-H550-Pro, MS7-H550-S
2.038,61 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900065 - MS 135.8 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Blue Fixed ring,suitable for hotplate,used with MS135.2-7,suitable for MS-H-Pro+
3.150,57 TL
Sepete Ekle
DLAB - 18900001 - MS 135.1 - Accessories of Magnetic Stirrer with heating -340°C & 380°C & 550°C - Blue carrying plate,suitable for hotplate,used with MS135.2-7, suitable for MS-H-Pro+
3.150,57 TL
Sepete Ekle
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